
Showing posts from January, 2021

Why did I create this blog?

 Why was this blog created? This blog was created to shed the light on Facebook and their blocking habits. It is to show the stories of different people blocked by social media. If you would like to share your story you can reach out to me at: While I do not use this gmail account as often as I should, I have it connected to my phone so I will be able to see your emails. Please do not hesitate to share your story, the details, and if possible, screenshots. Also, this will be the time to shout out your new social media! There are three options that I am aware of: Parler MeWe Gab I am currently on Gab, you can find me under Samhoku

The Good, The Bad, The Blocked?

     The Good, The Bad, The....Blocked? Did you know that Social Media companies don't need to listen to their own community standards of non-discrimination? This happens every day on Social Media giants. You may be Social Media can dictate who they want on their platform and who they don't want on their platform. However, they don't allow their customers to ask for a review of the information of they've been removed for breaking community standards.  How does that relate to discrimination? Christian Conservatives have been dropping off of places like Facebook like flies. It almost seems targeted. Why would Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram block people who have differing beliefs? It's almost as if they believe we are a threat to them.  Take the case of Parler, the social media app. This app that is like Twitter was used by mainly conservatives to express free speech. Anybody is technically allowed there, but it was a haven for those who wanted to exp